Bestel nu The 5th Wave - 3 voor 25,- op film Actor: Chloë Grace Moretz, Nick Robinson, Alex Roe, Maika Monroe, Zackary Arthur, Liev. Cassie is on the run, desperately trying to save her younger brother. The 5th Wave Gomovies: Four waves of increasingly deadly alien attacks have left most of Earth decimated. Watch The 5th Wave 123movies online for free. Earth is systematically attacked by a group of aliens known as the Others. The trilogy concluded in 2016 with the final book, The Last Star. A sequel titled The Infinite Sea was published in 2014.
The 5th wave aliens series#
The series started in May 2013 with the first book, The 5th Wave. The 5th Wave is a trilogy of young adult post-apocalyptic sci-fi novels written by American author Rick Yancey. The adults are separated from the children and the US army led by Colonel Vosch (Liev Schreiber) is taking. The story follows 16-year-old Cassie Sullivan as she tries to survive in a world devastated by the waves of alien invasions that have decimated the Earth's population The aliens inflict wave after wave of attack: the 1st wave refers to electromagnetic pulses being disabled resulting in a loss of communication and transportation the 2nd wave is a flurry of natural disasters the 3rd wave is an airborne deadly virus transmitted by birds the 4th wave is the alien species inhabiting humans like parasites the 5th wave is alien domination. The novel is the first in The 5th Wave trilogy, followed by The Infinite Sea and the final book being The Last Star. Die Anderen sind der Menschheit dermaßen überlegen, dass sie wahrscheinlich nur einen Knopf drücken müssen, um die todbringenden Wellen auszulösen The 5th Wave is a young adult science fiction novel written by American author Rick Yancey. Die vier Wellen werden viel zu schnell abgehakt - und nein, hier handelt es nicht um eine wilde Schlacht von Aliens gegen Soldaten oder wie man sich das vorstellen könnte. Welle verschießt sein Pulver schon in der ersten Filmhälfte. Humanity is growing to become more aware of the severe lengths the aliens will go to. The conflict evolves throughout the novel by growing far more intense. Why? the Aliens are trying to get rid of the human population on Earth, so they can take the planet for its resources. The conflict of this novel is humanity vs aliens. The Fifth Wave is a group of highly trained young children and teenagers into finishing off whatever the Silencers didn't pick off from the fourth Wave-although these aforementioned child soldiers were fooled into thinking that they were assassinating the infested by Commander Vosch The 5th Wave Wednesday, 10 June 2015. The Others are an artificial intelligence created by another alien race to conquer Earth, and the primary antagonists of the novel and film series The 5th Wave The 5th Wave - The Parasites True Form: Sergeant Reznik (Maria Bello) indoctrinates Ben (Nick Robinson) into the military.BUY THE MOVIE. Cassie, Ben and Sam escape, with help from Ringer, just as Evan. Colonel Vosch and the surviving military Others evacuate with the human children by military aircraft. Evan sets off numerous bombs and advises them to quickly find Sam before the destruction of the entire facility. Ben and Cassie find each other and leave to find Sam.

I'm just glad there's no sixth wave, because.īen confronts Colonel Vosch about child warriors being the 5th Wave and Cassie kills Sergeant Reznik during her one-on-one indoctrination spiel. The aliens in The 5th Wave are some of the most frightening that fans of the genre will have ever seen because they've literally thought of everything. Welle, einer Jugendbuch-Adaption des gleichnamigen Romans von Rick Yancey, begibt sich Chloe Grace Moretz nach einer Alien-Invasion auf die Suche nach ihrem verschwundenen Bruder. Die vierte Welle beinhaltet die sogenannten. Die dritte Welle verbreitet einen tödlichen Virus, durch den fast die restlich gebliebene Bevölkerung stirbt. Die zweite Welle zerstört durch riesen Tsunamis sämtliche Städte, die an der Küste liegen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen verwendeten sie fünf Wellen ( Waves): Die erste Welle legt jegliche Elektrizität lahm. n The 5th Wave geht es um Aliens, die die Erde angreifen und deren Ziel es ist, sämtliches menschliche Leben dort auszulöschen. Pam Evan Walker Grace Constance The Priest Cat Lady. 1 Silencers 1.1 Known silencers 2 Overview 3 Trivia Colonel Vosch Reznik Dr. Die Aliens, die von den Menschen die Anderen genannt werden, beginnen, ohne mit den Menschen Kontakt aufzunehmen, die menschliche Zivilisation zu zerstören The Others (as referred to by Cassie Sullivan), sometimes called the Silencers, are the hostile alien beings and the main antagonists of The 5th Wave trilogy.

Eines Tages erscheint ein außerirdisches Raumschiff auf der Erde.

Die Highschool-Schülerin Cassie führt ein ganz normales Leben mit ihren Eltern und ihrem kleinen Bruder Sam.